Editor's Note

Main Article Content

Kenneth Noonan


Welcome to the first installment of JPOSNA’s third volume.

Our Editorial Team endeavors to represent all of pediatric orthopaedics and all of our Society. We open the doors for information from established names and faces, we promote the expertise of rising stars who can teach older dogs (like me) new tricks, and we welcome anyone who wants to provide a better way to care for our patients and families. Pediatric orthopaedics is diverse, which is why we love it, and JPOSNA presents content that is both individual and synergistic. As an example, we are fortunate to present three different but relatable papers that review management of acute pain, strategies to manage chronic pain, and a QSVI initiative for narcotic disposal. JPOSNA is the only source for Pediatric Orthopaedic QSVI publications. In this edition, you can read a QSVI paper on how to start a halo traction program for severe spinal deformity, spend some time on an excellent review on cervical spine instrumentation, and settle in and watch a Master’s correction of Scheuermann’s Kyphosis.

We are pleased to present some very well-done Surgical Technique articles/videos and Surgical Tips. Matt Oetgen and Nick Fletcher plan at least two contributions each edition, and all of these will flow to POSNAcademy which is fast becoming the go-to source for Pediatric Orthopaedic Education. This edition contains a number of individual, group, and committee generated Current Concept Reviews. We are especially pleased to continue the JPOSNA Tutorial on the Management of Gait in CP with Wade Shrader’s excellent review of Instrumented Gait Analysis. Subsequent editions will apply these concepts to actual case examples with panel discussions.

New to JPOSNA is the Coding Corner. Under Ryan Muchow’s leadership, we plan to present practical information in subsequent editions on how to bill accurately and effectively in this ever-changing environment. We hope this will provide real value to all of us who seek to appropriately maximize our clinical returns.

“If I have seen further,” Isaac Newton wrote in 1675, “it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” In pediatric orthopaedics we do what we do because of and in honor of those who have mentored us and developed systems of pediatric orthopaedic care. At JPOSNA, one of our goals is to provide context to our profession—by understanding the past, we can treasure the present and be motivated to contribute to the future. In this edition, we are fortunate to have a beautifully written history of the Shrine System by Peter Armstrong and George Thompson. I believe it’s fair to say that our practices have been affected by the Shrine System of care and the world is a better place because of this venerable organization.

Enjoy this Edition. It’s yours.

Ken Noonan

Article Details

How to Cite
Noonan, K. (2021). Editor’s Note. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.55275/JPOSNA-2021-238