Editor's Note

Main Article Content

Ken Noonan


Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, JPOSNA!

Several months ago, our President Steve Frick and the POSNA Board of Directors commissioned the development of an electronic journal to complement current offerings such as the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics and the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. As our society has grown, there has been parallel growth in the complexity of the procedures we perform in an ever-increasing scope of practice (hand, sports medicine, young hip salvage, and growing spine to name a few). The board felt that an electronic journal that is managed by our society would allow us to present visual media such as surgical techniques, and publish content that current journals don’t have room for. This includes Current Concept Reviews, Panel Discussions, Proceedings from the Annual Meeting and IPOS, to name a few. In addition, JPOSNA will serve as way to highlight the direction of POSNA and the accomplishments of our volunteer society such as POGO, highlighted in this edition.

We need to illuminate the electronic expertise of our resident whiz kid Bryan Tompkins and highlight the hard work and editing from Teri Stech and Lisa DuShane from POSNA HQ. The associate editorial board has produced, in very short order, articles that comprise this first edition. We are indebted to this group. In addition to content described above, and in an effort to learn what we can do better, we present our first “Don’t Do This Case Report.”

In time, please look for announcements for content that you can contribute to this journal and to help us with our singular mission, to improve care for children with musculoskeletal conditions worldwide. Please let me know of suggestions or ideas you have, to make this the best journal for our society.

Article Details

How to Cite
Noonan, K. (2019). Editor’s Note. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55275/JPOSNA-2019-41