Message from the President

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Mininder S. Kocher


It was rejuvenating to see each other again (in person and virtually), discuss the latest high-level research presentations, and catch up with old and new friends at the recent POSNA Annual Meeting in Dallas. Congratulations to Woody Sankar (Program Chair), Lindsay Andras (Pre-Course Chair), Matt Oetgen (Subspecialty Day Chair), Amy McIntosh and Dan Sucato (Local Hosts), and POSNA staff for organizing such a great meeting. 

I think the POSNA educational meetings are an excellent example of the challenges, resiliency, and innovation that has characterized POSNA’s response during the COVID pandemic. In May 2020, we pivoted very quickly to an all-virtual annual meeting that was successful and well attended.  We decided to cancel IPOS in December 2020 since the hands-on interactive educational model could not be done effectively in a virtual format. In May 2021, we embraced a hybrid in-person and virtual model for the annual meeting that was also successful and well attended.  These decisions required collaboration, innovation, creative thinking, and resiliency.  They required tremendous effort and coordination from program chairs, the program committee, educational council, leadership, staff, technology, and finance.

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How to Cite
Kocher, M. S. (2021). Message from the President. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, 3(3).