Management of Congenital Dislocation of the Knee Current Concept Review
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Congenital knee dislocation is a rare disorder and the published literature largely consists of small case series. Congenital knee dislocation represents a broad spectrum of severity from hyperextension to frank dislocation. It can be isolated or be present in syndromic infants with concomitant joint disorders such as clubfoot or developmental dysplasia of the hip. Hyperextended knees can be reduced with serial casting alone in the neonatal period and do not require further treatment. Surgical treatment of the congenital knee dislocation results in satisfactory outcomes in the majority of reported cases, although outcomes are highly dependent on the degree of concomitant joint involvement. Treatment decisions are often based on radiographic findings and passive range of motion of the knee. Described procedures include percutaneous or mini-open quadriceps tenotomy, VY quadricepsplasty, and femoral shortening. The current review summarizes the most up-to-date literature on the surgical management of congenital knee dislocation.