Editor's Note
Main Article Content
In this edition of JPOSNA, we are pleased to present a wide range of high-quality contributions, which include Current Concept Reviews, Invited Perspectives, POGO Travel Journal, and a Tumor Quiz. We also present to our membership two new initiatives.
Michael Vitale will highlight the Master’s Surgical Technique concept in his Presidential note. We are indebted to Nick Fletcher and Matt Oetgen, who have volunteered to spearhead this while joining our Editorial Board. Our hope is to have two to three high-level surgical technique submissions with each edition. After publication, these will be housed in POSNAcademy, which has become the go-to reference for online pediatric orthopaedic surgical instruction. All POSNA members are encouraged to submit ideas for potential Master’s Surgical Technique manuscripts (with accompanying video or a narrated PowerPoint presentation) to [email protected].
Second, through Wade Shrader’s vision, we present a year-long Tutorial in Gait Analysis in Ambulatory Patients with Cerebral Palsy. In this edition, Kulkarni et al. demonstrate techniques to improve observational gait analysis. The advantage of online publishing is the ability to leverage electronic media, and in the next three editions, Hank Chambers will present case examples of ambulatory patients with cerebral palsy with history, physical examination findings, video, and available gait analysis data. By engaging outside experts in cerebral palsy, Hank will lead us through approaches to evaluation and help us to understand different options in treatment. I hope you are just as excited as I am to take this journey with Hank.
What’s consistent throughout JPOSNA content? All submitted content and plans for the future come from you. Nick, Matt, and Hank were not asked to submit material, they contacted us at JPOSNA asking, “How can we help?” Two inquiries came in yesterday from POSNA members on relevant content for the next edition. The future for JPOSNA is bright because our Society is committed to making care for children better by contributing and teaching us all.
Thank you,
Ken Noonan