Management of Pediatric Meniscal Root Tears Surgical/Technical Tips

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Lacey Magee
Nishank Mehta
Margaret Wright
Tomasina Leska
Theodore Ganley


Tears of the posterior roots of the medial and lateral meniscus are relatively uncommon injuries, but can be seen concurrently with anterior crucial ligament (ACL) injuries in young athletes. Despite a wealth of research on the diagnostics and therapeutics of root tears in the adult population, pediatric root tears have been relatively understudied despite the increasing incidence of youth sports participation and thus increasing ACL injuries. With an understanding that repair of the meniscal root is paramount to positive outcomes in the adult population, it is therefore crucial to understand the incidence, presentation, and treatment of this pathology in pediatric patients as well. Our aim is to review the available literature on pediatric meniscal root tears, as well as special considerations for anatomy and diagnosis of this injury in children and adolescents. 

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How to Cite
Magee, L., Mehta, N., Wright, M., Leska, T., & Ganley, T. (2020). Management of Pediatric Meniscal Root Tears : Surgical/Technical Tips. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, 2(3).
Master's Surgical Techniques