Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor subject to Editor approval).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission is formatted to the Instructions for Authors.
  • The submission consists of Two Word Documents that include:
    1. Nonblinded title page with all authors listed including contact information and disclosures
    2. Blinded Manuscript
    - Title Page without identifying author information
    - Abstract
    - 3-5 Key Concepts in Complete Sentences (Except QSVI Papers)
    - Figures, tables, and images embedded within body of paper
    - References formatted according to the Instructions to Authors
  • If the Work has a registered copyright, please enter the registration date and number in the "Comments to the Editor" (below).
  • I have received approval to reproduce any Figures, Tables, or Media which are owned by other entities. Media that is available from the World Wide Web should include a link to the original media in the legend.
  • The submission has all images/figures embedded in the manuscript with a separate legend according to the JPOSNA Image Policy.
  • If there is a narrated video or a narrated pptx, it has been downloaded to POSNAcademy according to the Video Upload Instructions.

JPOSNA Instructions for Authors

At the current time, JPOSNA welcomes submissions in the following formats. Specific instructions and guidelines are provided for each of these article types. Please read the instructions carefully to avoid having your submission rejected.

  • Original Research
  • Current Concept Review
  • Masters Surgical Techniques
  • Quality Improvement Case Series
  • Surgical/Technical Tips (Paper and Video)
  • Quality Improvement/Process Improvement (Paper)

Invited Articles of Interest from the Editorial Board
(Please contact Ken Noonan, MD, MHCDS, prior to submission of invited articles ([email protected]).

  • Letters to the Editor
  • Historical Profiles/Perspectives
  • Society Addresses
  • Committee Reports
  • Point of View
  • Panel Discussions
  • Other

Text & Media Format for All Submissions

Submission Format: Please note that all contributions consist of two submitted word documents: 1) Nonblinded Title Page and 2) Final Manuscript with Blinded Title Page.

Text Style: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers throughout. The text uses a 12-point font and employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). 

Images, Illustrations, and Figures: All images/illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and specific) below the figure or table. Legends and captions should be separate from the image to allow for editing. Define all arrows and other indicators in the legends. All large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB. See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

Videos or Narrated pptx: The editorial submission website cannot handle the large size of video files. These must be submitted separately via the POSNAcademy website. Detailed upload instructions can be found here.

Abbreviations: For a list of standard abbreviations, consult the Council of Biology Editors Style Guide (available from the Council of Science Editors, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814) or other standard sources. Define abbreviations at first mention in text and in each table and figure.

Brand Names: If a brand name is cited, supply the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country).

References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Key the references (double spaced) at the end of the manuscript. Cite the references in the text in the order of appearance using superscript numbers outside punctuation if applicable. If citing more than one reference at a point, separate the numbers with commas with no spaces between. When more than two references are cited at a point, use hyphens to join the first and last number, e.g.,1,6-9,14 Cite unpublished data—such as papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication and personal communications, including e-mail communications—in parentheses in the text. If there are more than three authors, name only the first three authors and then use et al. Refer to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus for abbreviations of journal names or access the list here.

Sample References: 

Journal article 
1. Rand NS, Dawson JM, Juliao SF, et al. In vivo macrophage recruitment by murine intervertebral disc cells. J Spinal Disord. 2001;14:339-342. 

Book chapter 
2. Todd VR. Visual information analysis: frame of reference for visual perception. In: Kramer P, Hinojosa J, eds. Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999:205-256. 

Entire book 
3. Kellman RM, Marentette LJ. Atlas of Craniomaxillofacial Fixation.Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999. 

4. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994. 

Online journals 
5. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: a review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988;71:22-37. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, VA. Accessed December 15, 1990. 

6. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996. 

World Wide Web 
7. Gostin LO. Drug use and HIV/AIDS [JAMAHIV/AIDS website]. June 1, 1996. Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/ethics. Accessed June 26, 1997.

Nonblinded Title Page for All Submissions

(Submit as a separate Word Document)

  1. Complete manuscript title
    1. Ex: “Original Research:  Use of Botox to Improve Management of Clubfoot.  A double-blind trial.”
    2. Ex: “Current Concept Review: Management of Complex Clubfoot”
    3. Ex: “Don’t Do This Case Report: IM nailing of Immature Tibia”
    4. Ex: “QI/PI:  Cast Saw Training to Decrease Injury”
    5. Ex: “Surgical/Technical Tips: Power Pedicle Screw Placement”
    6. Ex: “Master’s Surgical Technique: Medial Approach for Open Reduction of the Hip”
  2. Authors' full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations
  3. Name and address for correspondence, including fax number, telephone number, and
    e-mail address
  4. Address for reprints if different from that of corresponding author
  5. Conflicts of interest and source of funding for all sources of support, including pharmaceutical and industry support that require acknowledgment 

On the title page, authors are required to disclose all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional, and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. The title page must also include disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH), Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), and other(s).

Original Research

1. Nonblinded Title Page (see above): Submit as a separate Word document.

2. Final Manuscript: Submit as a single Word document of no more than 3000 words in length. Manuscripts that are substantially longer than this will be returned to the author prior to peer review.

The following components are required

           Blinded Title Page: One page with title only.

           Abstract: An abstract of no more than 325 words is needed to outline the importance of the research, what was performed, results, and to summarize findings. The abstract should consist of the following headings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

           Key Concepts: Up to five key concepts in complete sentences (no more than one sentence per concept) are presented in list form.

           Key Words: Up to five key phrases are included to facilitate web searches.

           Levels of Evidence:

           Level I: Randomized controlled trial or systematic review of Level-I randomized controlled trials

           Level II: Prospective cohort study or systematic review of Level-II studies

           Level III: Case-control study or retrospective cohort study

           Level IV: Case series (no historical or control group)

           Level V: Expert opinion

           Body of the Text: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers continuing throughout. In addition to the body of the paper, the authors need to include an Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Additional Links, and References

  • Introduction: State the problem that led to the manuscript including a concise review of only the relevant literature. State the purpose of the manuscript.
  • Materials and Methods: Include IRB Approval if applicable.
  • Results: Include statistical methods.
  • Discussion: Be succinct. What does your research show? Discuss the importance of your research with regard to the relevant world literature; however, a complete literature review is unnecessary. Analyze your paper and discuss their strengths, their weaknesses, and the limitations of the report.
  • Additional Links: At the end of the manuscript, please provide at least two links to any educational material that would be of interest to the reader. This can include POSNAcademy, AAOS Educational Videos, IPOS® Authors Preferred Methods, Previously Published POSNA Abstracts, etc.
  • References: See above

           Figure/Table Checklist: Cite illustrations/figures/tables consecutively within the body of your manuscript. All illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and specific) below the figure or table. Large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB. See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

           The images and tables should not be submitted as separate files or placed at the end of the manuscript. 

  • Artwork should be embedded as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Color images are preferred.
  • Tables should be submitted in Word format with a descriptive title above the table itself.

           Publication Fees: Original research accepted for publication is subject to a processing fee that depends on the following status of the corresponding author (CA).

  • 750 U.S. Dollars if the CA is not a POSNA Member 
  • 500 U.S. Dollars if the CA is a POSNA Member 
  • 250 U.S. Dollars if the CA is from a country considered lower/middle Income (link here)
  • No funds are needed if the paper was previously a podium presentation at POSNA Annual Meeting

Current Concept Review

1. Nonblinded Title Page (see above): Submit as a separate Word document.

2. Final Manuscript: Submit as a single Word document with the following components—

          Blinded Title Page: One page with title only.

          Abstract: An abstract of no more than 325 words is needed to outline the importance of the review and to succinctly summarize the paper.

          Key Concepts: Up to five key concepts (no more than one sentence per concept) are presented in list form.

          Body of the Text: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers continuing throughout. In addition to the body of the paper, the authors need to include an Introduction, Summary, Additional Links, and References.  

  • Introduction: State the problem that led to the manuscript, including a concise review of only the relevant State purpose of the manuscript.
  • Body: Organize the body of the paper in sections that best fit your review.
  • Summary: Be succinct. What does your manuscript show? Discuss the importance of this article with regard to the relevant world literature; however, a complete literature review is unnecessary. Analyze your paper and discuss their strengths, their weaknesses, and the limitations of the report.
  • Additional Links: At the end of the manuscript, please provide at least two links to any educational material that would be of interest to the reader. This can include POSNAcademy, AAOS Educational Videos, IPOS® Authors Preferred Methods, Previously Published POSNA Abstracts, etc.
  • References: See above

      Figure/Table Checklist: Cite illustrations/figures/tables consecutively within the body of your manuscript. All illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and  specific) below the figure or table.  Large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB. See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

      The images and tables should not be submitted as separate files or placed at the end of the manuscript. 

  • Artwork should be embedded as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Color images are preferred.
  • Tables should be submitted in Word format with a descriptive title above the table itself.

Masters Surgical Techniques

For these submissions, the authors are REQUIRED to submit a paper as well as a video OR narrated pptx. The video or narrated pptx should be of high quality, with good teaching points, and without identifying patient data.

1. Nonblinded Title Page (see above): Submit as a separate Word document.

2. Final Manuscript: Submit as a single Word document with the following components—

     Blinded Title Page: One page with title only.

     Abstract: An abstract of no more than 325 words is needed to outline the importance of the clinical problem and to summarize the method demonstrated.

     Key Concepts: Up to five key concepts (no more than one sentence per concept) are presented in list form.

     Body of the Text: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers continuing throughout. In addition to the body of the paper, the authors need to include an Introduction, Description of the Method, Comparison to Other Methods, Summary, Additional Links, and References. 

  • Introduction: State the problem that led to the manuscript including a concise review of only the relevant literature. State the purpose of the manuscript.
  • Description of the Method: In the text description of the procedure please include many figures and illustrations.
  • Comparison to Other Methods: Review how others have approached this problem and consider comparisons to your method. What is the advantage of your method? Discuss the importance of the methodology with regard to the relevant literature; however, a complete literature review is unnecessary.
  • Summary: Be succinct. Discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and potential pitfalls of your method.
  • Additional Links: At the end of the manuscript, please provide at least two links to any educational material that would be of interest to the reader. This can include POSNAcademy, AAOS Educational Videos, IPOS® Authors Preferred Methods, Previously Published POSNA Abstracts, etc.
  • References: See above

Figure/Table Checklist: Cite illustrations/figures/tables consecutively within the body of your manuscript. All illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and specific) below the figure or table. Large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB. See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

The images and tables should not be submitted as separate files or placed at the end of the manuscript. 

  • Artwork should be embedded as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Color images are preferred.
  • Tables should be submitted in Word format with a descriptive title above the table itself.

Quality Improvement Case Series

1. Nonblinded Title Page (see above): Submit as a separate Word document.

2. Final Manuscript: Submit as a single Word document with the following components—

    Blinded Title Page: One page with title only.

    Abstract: An abstract of no more than 325 words is needed to outline the importance of the review and to summarize what you have learned.

    Key Concepts: Up to five key concepts (no more than one sentence per concept) are presented in list form.

    Body of the Text: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers continuing throughout. The authors need to include an Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Additional Links,
    and References

  • Introduction:State the problem that led to the manuscript including a concise review of only the relevant
  • Case Report: The case report should be succinct with appropriate figures and no identifying patient information.
  • Discussion:What went wrong with case, what could have been done differently? Discuss the case with regard to the relevant literature; however, a complete literature review is unnecessary.
  • Additional Links: At the end of the manuscript, please provide at least two links to any educational material that would be of interest to the reader. This can include POSNAcademy, AAOS Educational Videos, IPOS® Authors Preferred Methods, Previously Published POSNA Abstracts, etc.
  • References: See above

Figure/Table Checklist: Cite illustrations/figures/tables consecutively within the body of your manuscript. All illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and specific) below the figure or table. Large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB.  See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

The images and tables should not be submitted as separate files or placed at the end of the manuscript. 

  • Artwork should be embedded as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Color images are preferred.
  • Tablesshould be submitted in Word format with a descriptive title above the table itself.

Surgical/Technical Tips

For these submissions, the authors are REQUIRED to submit a paper as well as a narrated video OR narrated pptx.  The video or narrated pptx should be of high quality, with good teaching points, and without identifying patient data.

1. Nonblinded Title Page (see above): Submit as a separate Word document.

2. Final Manuscript: Submit as a single Word document with the following components—

    Blinded Title Page: One page with title only.

    Abstract: An abstract of no more than 325 words is needed to outline the importance of the clinical problem and to summarize the method demonstrated.

    Key Concepts: Up to five key concepts (no more than one sentence per concept) are presented in list form.

    Body of the Text: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers continuing throughout. The authors need to include an Introduction, Description of the Method, Comparison to Other Methods, Summary, Additional Links, and References

  • Introduction: State the problem that led to the manuscript, including a concise review of only the relevant literature. State the purpose of the manuscript.
  • Description of the Method: In the text description of the procedure, please include many figures and illustrations.
  • Comparison to Other Methods: Review how others have approached this problem and consider comparisons to your method. What is the advantage of your method? Discuss the importance of the methodology with regard to the relevant literature; however, a complete literature review is unnecessary.
  • Summary: Be succinct. Discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and potential pitfalls of your method.
  • Additional Links: At the end of the manuscript please provide at least two links to any educational material that would be of interest to the reader. This can include POSNAcademy, AAOS Educational Videos, IPOS® Authors Preferred Methods, Previously Published POSNA Abstracts, etc.
  • References: See above

Figure/Table Checklist: Cite illustrations/figures/tables consecutively within the body of your manuscript. All illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and specific) below the figure or table. Large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB. See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

The images and tables should not be submitted as separate files or placed at the end of the manuscript. 

  • Artwork should be embedded as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Color images are preferred.
  • Tables should be submitted in Word format with a descriptive title above the table itself.

Quality Improvement/Process Improvement

For quality improvement/process improvement articles submitted to JPOSNA®, use of the SQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) Guidelines, V.2.0 are recommended.

Download SQUIRE Guidelines v2.0

Explanation and elaboration of the SQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) Guidelines, V.2.0: examples of SQUIRE elements in the healthcare improvement literature

Download Article

Notes to Authors

  • The SQUIRE guidelines provide a framework for reporting new knowledge about how to improve healthcare.
  • The SQUIRE guidelines are intended for reports that describe system level work to improve the quality, safety, and value of healthcare, and used methods to establish that observed outcomes were due to the intervention(s).
  • A range of approaches exists for improving healthcare. SQUIRE may be adapted for reporting any of these.
  • Authors should consider every SQUIRE item, but it may be inappropriate or unnecessary to include every SQUIRE element in a particular manuscript.
  • The SQUIRE Glossary contains definitions of many of the key words in SQUIRE.
  • The Explanation and Elaboration document provides specific examples of well-written SQUIRE items, and an in-depth explanation of each item.
  • Please cite SQUIRE when it is used to write a manuscript.

1. Nonblinded Title Page (see above): Submit as a separate Word document.

2. Final Manuscript: Submit as a single Word document with the following components—

    Blinded Title Page: One page with title only.

    Abstract: An abstract of no more than 325 words is needed to outline the importance of the review and to summarize the problem, the intervention, and the results.

    Key ConceptsUp to five key concepts (no more than one sentence per concept) are presented in list form.

    Body of the Text: Each manuscript page must be numbered clearly and double spaced with line numbers continuing throughout. The body of the paper of the paper should include:

  • Title: Indicate that the manuscript concerns an initiative to improve healthcare (broadly defined to include the quality, safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, cost, efficiency, and equity of healthcare)
  • Abstract:
    • Provide adequate information to aid in searching and indexing
    • Summarize all key information from various sections of the text using the abstract format of the intended publication or a structured summary such as: background, local problem, methods, interventions, results, conclusions
  • Problem Description: Nature and significance of the local problem
  • Available Knowledge: Summary of what is currently known about the problem, including relevant previous studies
  • Rationale: Informal or formal frameworks, models, concepts, and/or theories used to explain the problem, any reasons or assumptions that were used to develop the intervention(s), and reasons why the intervention(s) was expected to work 
  • Specific Aims: Purpose of the project and of this report
  • Context: Contextual elements considered important at the outset of introducing the intervention(s)
  • Intervention(s):
    • Description of the intervention(s) in sufficient detail that others could reproduce it
    • Specifics of the team involved in the work
  • Study of the Intervention(s):
    • Approach chosen for assessing the impact of the intervention(s)
    • Approach used to establish whether the observed outcomes were due to the intervention(s)
  • Measures:
    • Measures chosen for studying processes and outcomes of the intervention(s), including rationale for choosing them, their operational definitions, and their validity and reliability
    • Description of the approach to the ongoing assessment of contextual elements that contributed to the success, failure, efficiency, and cost
    • Methods employed for assessing completeness and accuracy of data
  • Analysis:
    • Qualitative and quantitative methods used to draw inferences from the data.  
    • Methods for understanding variation within the data, including the effects of time as a variable  
  • Ethical Considerations: Ethical aspects of implementing and studying the intervention(s) and how they were addressed, including, but not limited to, formal ethics review and potential conflict(s) of interest
  • Results:
    • Initial steps of the intervention(s) and their evolution over time (e.g., time-line diagram, flow chart, or table), including modifications made to the intervention during the project
    • Details of the process measures and outcome
    • Contextual elements that interacted with the intervention(s)
    • Observed associations between outcomes, interventions, and relevant contextual elements
    • Unintended consequences such as unexpected benefits, problems, failures, or costs associated with the intervention(s).
    • Details about missing data
  • Summary:
    • Key findings, including relevance to the rationale and specific aims.  
    • Particular strengths of the project
  • Interpretation:
    • Nature of the association between the intervention(s) and the outcomes
    • Comparison of results with findings from other publications
    • Impact of the project on people and systems
    • Reasons for any differences between observed and anticipated outcomes, including the influence of context
    • Costs and strategic trade-offs, including opportunity costs
  • Limitations:
    • Limits to the generalizability of the work
    • Factors that might have limited internal validity such as confounding, bias, or imprecision in the design, methods, measurement, or analysis.  
    • Efforts made to minimize and adjust for limitations
  • Conclusions:
    • Usefulness of the work
    • Sustainability
    • Potential for spread to other contexts
    • Implications for practice and for further study in the field
    • Suggested next steps
  • Funding: Sources of funding that supported this work. Role, if any, of the funding organization in the design, implementation, interpretation, and reporting
  • Additional Links:

At the end of the manuscript please provide at least two links to any educational material that would be of interest to the reader. This can include POSNAcademy, AAOS Educational Videos, IPOS® Authors Preferred Methods, Previously Published POSNA Abstracts, etc.


  • References: See above

Figure/Table Checklist: Cite illustrations/figures/tables consecutively in the body of your manuscript. All illustrations/figures/tables are to be imbedded within the text at the appropriate point with legends (brief and specific) below the figure or table. Large images must be compressed to 150 ppi to keep file size below 10 MB. See the JPOSNA® Image Policy for more details.

The images and tables should not be submitted as separate files or placed at the end of the manuscript. 

  • Artwork should be embedded as TIFF, EPS, or JPEG files.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Color images are preferred.
  • Tables should be submitted in Word format with a descriptive title above the table itself.